Stephen Lwanga is Author of multiple books, below are books he has written, edited and contributed to;
The World Health Organization Approach: Projections of Non-Pediatric HIV and AIDS in Pattern II Areas. Chin, J and S.K. Lwanga 1989
Statistical Support for Community Diagnosis in Principles and Practice of Public Health in Africa by Lwanga, S.K Eds: Sofoluwe, G.O., et al. UP Ibadan
FORK in the Road
Fork in the Road is my story, my experiences, and the lessons I have learned along my life’s path.
I am a man of contemplation, decision, and action. I believe that moving forward is the only way to move. This trait has helped me in such a great way in my life, including bringing me to the point of writing this book so I can share with others my thoughts and insights, as well as my experiences.
I hope to inspire my readers to have faith in their decisions and to act on them boldly. We all come to a “fork in the road” in our lives many times; how we face it and what we decide to do will determine our futures. For example, when a child is baptised or circumcised or initiated in any religion in infancy, the child has no say in the parents’ decision. The child’s life will most likely be dictated by specific rules and norms, due to the decision and belief structure of the parents. The child has no say in the religious direction to take at this religious “fork in the road” at that time.
As we mature, there are many times in our lives when we are faced with decisions and choices that will alter the course of our lives. It is when we are at these forks that we are stopped in our tracks, as we realise each choice comes with its own consequences, which can feel daunting.
Fork in the Road is about walking with strength through life with your head held high, because you are confident in the person leading you and the decisions you take—who is, of course, yourself!
In Fork in the Road, You will learn;
1. Procrastination is Life Paralysis
2. There are No Wrong Choices
3. Every Road has its Ups and Downs
4. Go Forward Boldly and Don’t Look Back
1. Look out for one another
2. Keep your faith strong
3. Treat others as you wish to be treated
4. Give back
5. Respect yourself and be proud of where you come from
We are very happy to get some good reviews from readers.
We value the experimentation, the reformation and the impact FORK has had on people’s lives Worldwide.
Axel Eve
Alex Buri
Donald Frew
Papers Stephen Lwanga has written, edited and contributed to;
- Phillips, I., Lwanga, S.K Lore, W., Wasswa, D. Method and Hygiene of infant feeding in an urban area of Uganda. J. Trop. Paed. 167-171, 1969.
- Lwanga, S.K Optimum purchasing Tropical Public Health 2: 5- 1970.
- Lwanga, S.K Sampling techniques in collection of health statistics in developing countries. E.A. Med. J. 47: 202-211, 1970.
- Patel, K.M., Lwanga, S.K A Study of medical admissions to Mulago Hospital, Kampala (June 1966 to May 1968). E.A. Med. J. 48: 76-84, 1971
- Kanyerezi, B., Lwanga, S.K, Block K. Fibronogen degradation products in serum and urine of patients with systemic lupus erythematosis. Arthritis and Rheum 14: 267-275, 1971.
- Lwanga, S.K Statistics - a tool for telling lies or unraveling the truth? Tropical Public Health: April 1972.
- Olweny, C.L.M., Toya, T., Katongole-Mbidde, E., Lwanga, S.K, Owor, R., Kyalwazi, S. and Vogel, C.L. Treatment of Kaposis sarcoma by combination of Actinomycin-D Vinorestine and Imidazole Cartoxamide (NSC-45388): Results of a randomized clinical trial. Int. J. Cancer 14: 649-656, 1974.
- Magrath, I.T., Lwanga, S.K, Carswell, Q. and Harrison, H. Surgical reduction of tumour bulk in the management of abdominal Burkitts lymphoma. Brit. Med. J. 2: 308-312, 1974.
- Nsereko-Lule, G., Farsey, S.J. and Lwanga, S.K The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Urban and Rural Schools in Uganda. Uganda Med. J. 3: 67-72, 1974.
- Farsey, S.J., Kakande, M.L., Lwanga, S.K, Mpairwe, Y., and Womboka, L.J.W. Incidence of Streptococcal infection among nursery children in Kasangati Health Centre defined area. E.A. Med. Res. Council - Annual Scientific Conference February 1974. E.A. Lit. Bureau 1975.
- D'Arbella, P.G., Kajubi, S.K., Besigye, E., Sebuliba, P. and Lwanga, S.K The influence of endomycordial fibrosis on growth and development. E.A. Med. Res. Council - Annual Scientific Conference February, 1974. E.A. Lit. Bureau 1975.
- Olweny, C.L.M., Katongole-Mbide, E., Kaddu-Mukasa, A., Atine, I., Owor, R., Lwanga, S.K, Carswell, W. and Magrath, I.T. Treatment of Burkitt's Lymphoma. Randomized CLinical Trial of Single-Agent Versus Combined Chemotherapy. Int. J. Cancer, 17: 436-440, 1976.
- Olweny CL, Atine I, Kaddu-Mukasa A, Katongole-Mbidde E, Lwanga SK, Johansson B, Onyango J, Host H, Norin T, Willey BCerebrospinal irradiation of Burkitt's lymphoma. Failure in preventing central nervous system relapse. Acta Radiol Ther Phys Biol. 1977 Jun;16(3):225-31.
- Lwanga, S.K, Olweny, C.L., Tukei, P.M. and Nishioka, K. Hepatitis B. Surface Antigen (HB Ag) Subtypes in Uganda. Trop. Geog. Med., 29: 381-385, 1977
- Olweny, C.L., Katongole-Mbidde, E., Kiire, C., Lwanga, S.K, Magrath, I. and Ziegler, J.L. Childhood Hodgkin's Disease in Uganda: a Ten Year Experience. Cancer, 42: 787-792, 1978.
- Lwanga, S.K Statistical Principles of Monitoring and Surveillance in Public Health. Bull. World Health Organization, 56: 713-722, 1978 and 57, 33-44, 1979 (French).
- Olweny CL, Katongole-Mbiodde E, Otim D, Lwanga SK, Magrath IT, Ziegler JL. Long-term experience with Burkitt’s lymphoma in Uganda. Int J Cancer 1980;26:261-266
- Lwanga, S.K Development of information support to national health management for health for all by the year 2000. WHO Document ESM/83.
- Wurapa, F.K., Lwanga, S.K, Bulsara, M.K. and Losos, J.Z. Field Study Areas. In Tropical Diseases Research Centre Ndola, Zambia. Technical Report Establishment and First Stage of Development. Eds: Wurapa, F.K., Morrow, R.H. and Houba, V. TDR, WHO, Geneva, 1985.
- Lemeshow, S., Tserkovnyi, A.G., Tulloch, J.L., Dowd, J.E., Lwanga, S.K and Keja, J. A computer simulation of the EPI survey strategy. Int. J. Epidemiol. 14: 473-481, 1985.
- Lwanga, S.K and Abiprojo, N. Immunization coverage survey methodological study in Indonesia. WHO Bulletin 65: 847-853, 1987.
- Lwanga, S.K and Chin, J. Projections of non-paediatric HIV infection. International Conference on AIDS and related cancers in Africa. Arusha, Tanzania, 13-16 September 1988.
- Lwanga, S.K, Chin, J., Stroh, G. and Mann, J. Application of lot quality acceptance (LQA) sampling to HIV and AIDS sentinel surveillance. V International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 4-9 June 1989
- Schmauz, R., Okong, P., de Villiers, E.-M., Dennin, R., Brade, L., Lwanga, S.K and Owor, R. Multiple infections in cases of cervical cancer from a high-incidence area in tropical Africa. Int. J. Cancer: 43, 805-809, 1989.
- Chin, J., Lwanga, S.K and Mann, J. The global epidemiology and projected short-term demographic impact of AIDS. United Nations Population Bulletin: 27, 54-68, 1989
- Nkowane, B.M. and Lwanga, S.K. HIV and design of intervention studies for control of sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS 1990, 4 Supplement: 1, S123-6
- Harris, D.R., Lemeshow, S., Lwanga, S.K, Chin, J. and Duchesneau, R. Evaluation of a standardized survey design proposed for use in epidemiologic research on AIDS. Int. J. Epid.: 44, 1991
- Chin, J. and Lwanga S.K. Estimation and projection of adult AIDS cases: a simple epidemiological model. WHO Bulletin 69(4): 399-406, 1991.
- Lwanga, Stephen K., The Role of Makerere University Senate in the Fight against AIDS: Policy Issues in Management of AIDS with Special Reference to Institutions of Higher Learning. Uganda AID Commission, 1 September 1992
- Odida, M., Schmauz, R. and Lwanga, S.K. Grade of malignancy of cervical cancer in regions of Uganda with varying malaria endemicity. Int. J. Cancer 99, 737-741, 2002.
- Clements C J, Arevshatian L, Lwanga S K, Misore A O, Ndumbe P, Seward J F and Taylor P. An evaluation of infant immunization in Africa: is a transformation in progress? Accepted by the WHO Bulletin (BLT/2006/031526), February, 2006.
- Jeffery C, Beckworth C, Hadden WC, Ouma J, Lwanga SK, Valadez JJ. Associations with HIV Testing in Uganda: An Analysis of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Database 2003–2012. AIDS Care 2016; Vol. 28, No. 4
- Sprague DA, Jeffery C, Crossland N, House T, Roberts GO, Vargas W, Ouma J, Lwanga SK, Joseph J. Valadez JJ. Assessing Delivery Practices of Mothers over Time and over Space in Uganda, 2003–2012. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology June 2016; 13 (9). DOI: 10.1186/s12982-016-0049-8.
- Beckworth CA, Robert Anguyo R, Kyakulaga FC, Lwanga SK, Valadez JJ. Can Local Staff Reliably Assess Their Own Programs? A Confirmatory Test-Retest Study of Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Data Collectors in Uganda. BMC Health Services Research Aug. 2016; 16: 396. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-016-1655-4
- Phillips, I., Lwanga, S.K Lore, W., Wasswa, D. Method and Hygiene of infant feeding in an urban area of Uganda. J. Trop. Paed. 167-171, 1969.
- Lwanga, S.K Optimum purchasing Tropical Public Health 2: 5- 1970.
- Lwanga, S.K Sampling techniques in collection of health statistics in developing countries. E.A. Med. J. 47: 202-211, 1970.
- Patel, K.M., Lwanga, S.K A Study of medical admissions to Mulago Hospital, Kampala (June 1966 to May 1968). E.A. Med. J. 48: 76-84, 1971
- Kanyerezi, B., Lwanga, S.K, Block K. Fibronogen degradation products in serum and urine of patients with systemic lupus erythematosis. Arthritis and Rheum 14: 267-275, 1971.
- Lwanga, S.K Statistics - a tool for telling lies or unraveling the truth? Tropical Public Health: April 1972.
- Olweny, C.L.M., Toya, T., Katongole-Mbidde, E., Lwanga, S.K, Owor, R., Kyalwazi, S. and Vogel, C.L. Treatment of Kaposis sarcoma by combination of Actinomycin-D Vinorestine and Imidazole Cartoxamide (NSC-45388): Results of a randomized clinical trial. Int. J. Cancer 14: 649-656, 1974.
- Magrath, I.T., Lwanga, S.K, Carswell, Q. and Harrison, H. Surgical reduction of tumour bulk in the management of abdominal Burkitts lymphoma. Brit. Med. J. 2: 308-312, 1974.
- Nsereko-Lule, G., Farsey, S.J. and Lwanga, S.K The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Urban and Rural Schools in Uganda. Uganda Med. J. 3: 67-72, 1974.
- Farsey, S.J., Kakande, M.L., Lwanga, S.K, Mpairwe, Y., and Womboka, L.J.W. Incidence of Streptococcal infection among nursery children in Kasangati Health Centre defined area. E.A. Med. Res. Council - Annual Scientific Conference February 1974. E.A. Lit. Bureau 1975.
- D'Arbella, P.G., Kajubi, S.K., Besigye, E., Sebuliba, P. and Lwanga, S.K The influence of endomycordial fibrosis on growth and development. E.A. Med. Res. Council - Annual Scientific Conference February, 1974. E.A. Lit. Bureau 1975.
- Olweny, C.L.M., Katongole-Mbide, E., Kaddu-Mukasa, A., Atine, I., Owor, R., Lwanga, S.K, Carswell, W. and Magrath, I.T. Treatment of Burkitt's Lymphoma. Randomized CLinical Trial of Single-Agent Versus Combined Chemotherapy. Int. J. Cancer, 17: 436-440, 1976.
- Olweny CL, Atine I, Kaddu-Mukasa A, Katongole-Mbidde E, Lwanga SK, Johansson B, Onyango J, Host H, Norin T, Willey BCerebrospinal irradiation of Burkitt's lymphoma. Failure in preventing central nervous system relapse. Acta Radiol Ther Phys Biol. 1977 Jun;16(3):225-31.
- Lwanga, S.K, Olweny, C.L., Tukei, P.M. and Nishioka, K. Hepatitis B. Surface Antigen (HB Ag) Subtypes in Uganda. Trop. Geog. Med., 29: 381-385, 1977
- Olweny, C.L., Katongole-Mbidde, E., Kiire, C., Lwanga, S.K, Magrath, I. and Ziegler, J.L. Childhood Hodgkin's Disease in Uganda: a Ten Year Experience. Cancer, 42: 787-792, 1978.
- Lwanga, S.K Statistical Principles of Monitoring and Surveillance in Public Health. Bull. World Health Organization, 56: 713-722, 1978 and 57, 33-44, 1979 (French).
- Olweny CL, Katongole-Mbiodde E, Otim D, Lwanga SK, Magrath IT, Ziegler JL. Long-term experience with Burkitt’s lymphoma in Uganda. Int J Cancer 1980;26:261-266
- Lwanga, S.K Development of information support to national health management for health for all by the year 2000. WHO Document ESM/83.
- Wurapa, F.K., Lwanga, S.K, Bulsara, M.K. and Losos, J.Z. Field Study Areas. In Tropical Diseases Research Centre Ndola, Zambia. Technical Report Establishment and First Stage of Development. Eds: Wurapa, F.K., Morrow, R.H. and Houba, V. TDR, WHO, Geneva, 1985.
- Lemeshow, S., Tserkovnyi, A.G., Tulloch, J.L., Dowd, J.E., Lwanga, S.K and Keja, J. A computer simulation of the EPI survey strategy. Int. J. Epidemiol. 14: 473-481, 1985.
- Lwanga, S.K and Abiprojo, N. Immunization coverage survey methodological study in Indonesia. WHO Bulletin 65: 847-853, 1987.
- Lwanga, S.K and Chin, J. Projections of non-paediatric HIV infection. International Conference on AIDS and related cancers in Africa. Arusha, Tanzania, 13-16 September 1988.
- Lwanga, S.K, Chin, J., Stroh, G. and Mann, J. Application of lot quality acceptance (LQA) sampling to HIV and AIDS sentinel surveillance. V International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 4-9 June 1989
- Schmauz, R., Okong, P., de Villiers, E.-M., Dennin, R., Brade, L., Lwanga, S.K and Owor, R. Multiple infections in cases of cervical cancer from a high-incidence area in tropical Africa. Int. J. Cancer: 43, 805-809, 1989.
- Chin, J., Lwanga, S.K and Mann, J. The global epidemiology and projected short-term demographic impact of AIDS. United Nations Population Bulletin: 27, 54-68, 1989
- Nkowane, B.M. and Lwanga, S.K. HIV and design of intervention studies for control of sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS 1990, 4 Supplement: 1, S123-6
- Harris, D.R., Lemeshow, S., Lwanga, S.K, Chin, J. and Duchesneau, R. Evaluation of a standardized survey design proposed for use in epidemiologic research on AIDS. Int. J. Epid.: 44, 1991
- Chin, J. and Lwanga S.K. Estimation and projection of adult AIDS cases: a simple epidemiological model. WHO Bulletin 69(4): 399-406, 1991.
- Lwanga, Stephen K., The Role of Makerere University Senate in the Fight against AIDS: Policy Issues in Management of AIDS with Special Reference to Institutions of Higher Learning. Uganda AID Commission, 1 September 1992
- Odida, M., Schmauz, R. and Lwanga, S.K. Grade of malignancy of cervical cancer in regions of Uganda with varying malaria endemicity. Int. J. Cancer 99, 737-741, 2002.
- Clements C J, Arevshatian L, Lwanga S K, Misore A O, Ndumbe P, Seward J F and Taylor P. An evaluation of infant immunization in Africa: is a transformation in progress? Accepted by the WHO Bulletin (BLT/2006/031526), February, 2006.
- Jeffery C, Beckworth C, Hadden WC, Ouma J, Lwanga SK, Valadez JJ. Associations with HIV Testing in Uganda: An Analysis of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Database 2003–2012. AIDS Care 2016; Vol. 28, No. 4
- Sprague DA, Jeffery C, Crossland N, House T, Roberts GO, Vargas W, Ouma J, Lwanga SK, Joseph J. Valadez JJ. Assessing Delivery Practices of Mothers over Time and over Space in Uganda, 2003–2012. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology June 2016; 13 (9). DOI: 10.1186/s12982-016-0049-8.
- Beckworth CA, Robert Anguyo R, Kyakulaga FC, Lwanga SK, Valadez JJ. Can Local Staff Reliably Assess Their Own Programs? A Confirmatory Test-Retest Study of Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Data Collectors in Uganda. BMC Health Services Research Aug. 2016; 16: 396. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-016-1655-4