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Medical Check-ups

When were you last to see a doctor for a medical check-up and how often do you do so? If you are over 55 years old, do you do these check-ups once a year? Many people listening to me may say: “No. I have not been for a check-up lately. I only visit the doctor when I am sick and I feel better after he or she gives me medicine or a prescription”.
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A Tribute

This is a tribute to a relative and friend that died following a brief illness and whose passing left those of us that were close to her feeling cold and perplexed about God’s so-called ways. She was deeply patriotic without seeking to justify her political views, active in the background
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The other day I went to a function. A traditional function of the last funeral rites of a dear friend of mine who passed away about two months ago. This function made me reflect even further on what makes us who we are, where we come from. This traditional function is extremely important to the Baganda.
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Staying at home, life under lockdown

There are many things we take for granted and do without much thought. One of them is being at home. We grow up in homes and we live in homes. When we are old enough to go to school, we would go home every day after school, if we are in a day school, or for holidays, if we are in a boarding school.
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